Friday, December 7, 2012

Yashoda Maa

यशोदया समा कापि देवतानास्ति भूतले     |
उलूखले यया बद्धो मुक्तिदो मुक्तिमिच्छति ||

Yashodayaa samaa kaapi devtaa-naasti bhootale
Ulookhale yayaa baddho muktido muktim-ichchhati

Meaning: There is no deity on this earth equal to Yashodaa. He who liberates everyone, is asking her to release Him, from the mortar that she has tied Him to! 

This shloka is as emotional as it is devotional. The Lord is one who has the power to liberate each and every being in this Universe. This powerful Lord was tied down to a mortar by Maa Yashoda. And He had to beg Yashoda maa to free Him or liberate Him from the bonds.

First of all, who in this world, has the power to tie up the Lord? Yashoda was not even his real mother ! And the Lord not only accepted her bonds, but also begged her to free Him. It shows the supreme height of devotion that Yashoda was living on. She just loved her Kanhaiya. She was madly in love with Him. And that pure, mad love was her power with which she conquered the Lord of all Lords. She forgot her own self when she was with Him, and that is why the Lord submitted Himself to her. Yashoda is a role-model for all devotees of any God. Our love should be as pure and as strong as hers, to reach Him. In fact, God must be yearning for such love which is extremely rare.

Even if we leave aside the spiritual part, and just look at the human side of it, even then, it is love that prevails. With pure love, you can conquer the heart of any living being, human or animal! Love is the real power. It doesn't matter whether we are related by blood or not; we should be related by the heart. Love, without any strings attached, is the supreme weapon in the battlefield of life, with which we can win any situation or person. The best of friends and the worst of enemiesthey all can be ours if we have innate love within ourselves.

Another side to it, is the importance of a mother. Even God Himself submitted to his earthly mother. That is why our 1st Bodh-vachan is Maatru Devo bhava-ha ! The significance and value of a mother cannot even be imagined. It can only be felt and realized. The purity of a mother's love is unparalleled.
God with all His powers and strength demonstrated respect & submission to His mother, whereas we are not ready to even keep our aged parents with us these days. May we never forget the value of our mother & father till the end of life !

May all of us learn to love ourselves & others unselfishly, and move on towards loving the Supreme in the same way !

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