Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Vidyaa - an amazing treasure

अपूर्वः कोपी कोशोयं विद्यते तव भारति |
व्ययतो वृद्धिम् आयाति क्षयम् आयाति संचयात् ||

Apoorva-ha kopee koshoyam vidyate tava bhaarati
vyayato vruddhim aayaati kShayam aayaati sanchayaat

Meaning: O Goddess Saraswati (Bhaarati), your treasure (kosh) is indeed amazing. If spent (vyay), it grows (vruddhi); and if hoarded (sanchay), it deprecates/reduces (kshay).

Most of us try to conceal knowledge with ourselves with a sense of creating & preserving our superiority over others; we take pride in possessing what others don't. Another reason why we do not share our knowledge is because we feel that it might be insignificant to the people around; or that we might lose esteem in society if our knowledge is less than the people around. And some of us are just happy with whatever knowledge we have.

Either way, that is exactly what makes us have less knowledge than what we could have. Whether it be our professional life or personal life, not sharing knowledge makes us have only that which we have already have, but sharing it with others increases our own, not only by way of getting inputs from others, but also by strengthening our own knowledge.

Even in Bhakti-Yoga, while the 1st step of Bhakti is Shravanam, the very next is Kirtanam. Kirtanam means to speak out what we have learnt. That's the best way to understand it more. When we speak out or write, we spend a lot more attentive time on it, and we also churn our minds.

Knowledge is really useful only if it can be applied in our life to enhance it. When we share our knowledge, we reinforce it on our own mind, making the print stronger, more firmer. Secondly, only that knowledge is true knowledge which brings about a positive change in our life,
broadens our personality and fills our life with joy. The thought or attitude of hoarding knowledge itself is a sign of a constrictive, miserly mentality.

Let's go out in the world, and share the knowledge we have gained—the Vidyaa... let's share what has brought about a difference in our lives. Let's share the joy that we are experiencing; the bliss we are living in, and the reason for that bliss in our lives. 

What are we afraid of? Why are our voices so meek? Let's go out radiant, shining... proclaim to the world the knowledge of life, the true meaning of life!

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