Friday, May 13, 2011


न अभिषेको न संस्कारः सिंहस्य क्रियते वने |
विक्रमार्जित सत्त्वस्य स्वयमेव मृगेंद्रता ||

Na abhisheko na sanskaara-ha sinhasya kriyate vane
vikramaarjita sattvasya svayameva mrugendrataa
Meaning: No coronation (abhisheka) or ritual (sanskara) is done for a lion (sinha) in the forest (vana). His self-attained heroism naturally make him, the king of the jungle.

Positions do not create leaders; it is leaders themselves who create positions for themselves... naturally! People automatically give respect to those with the desired qualities. A lion doesn't need to be appointed as King. Innate qualities make a leader, not appointment. Only those leaders succeed in leading who earn the respect and love of their people.

Leaders are those who go beyond their own lives and make a difference in the lives of others. A majority of the population follows the few lions found in society. So it's very important that the virtuous lions outnumber the villains, and more importantly, stay united—united in principle, and united by emotion!

If we are to be those who make a positive difference in the lives of others, we have to develop our internal qualities. We ourselves have to become lions. By associating ourselves with powerful positive thoughts and with virtuous people, we can become such lions. Be it our career, our family, our society or any other aspect of life, we will be able to make a change only if we are internally pure and powerful. It's not our words or looks but our character that makes all the difference.

Lets be the lions of today, and make a difference!

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