Friday, October 26, 2012


काव्यशास्त्रविनोदेन कालो गच्छति धीमताम्
व्यसनेन तु मूर्खाणां निद्रया कलहेन वा
- हितोपदेश

Kaavya-shaastra-vinodena kaalo gachchhati dheemataam
vyasanena tu moorkhaaNaam nidrayaa kalahena vaa
- Hitopadesha

Meaning: The intelligent (dheemataam) spend their time (kaala) in studying literature (kaavya) and scriptures (shaastra) for their amusement (vinoda), while fools by (indulging in) bad habits (vyasana), sleeping (nidraa) or quarreling (kalahena).

Our hobbies, our pastimes tell us about our personalities. Intelligent people always have hobbies which enrich their minds, which add value to their lives, which take them further in life. Whereas foolish people indulge into unproductive activities like vices, too much sleeping, and having tussles and quarrels with others.

What are we spending our time on?
What do we do, when we have nothing else to do?
What do we want to do, if we had more time?
These are the questions being asked by the subhaashitkaar. If the answers contain productive activities where our mind is involved positively, even during amusement, then we are among the intelligent.

Time is of great essence, and every moment if not used productively, is causing losses to us in the business of life. We should know what we are doing at any moment, and why we are doing what we are doing. If that is well-defined, even an hour spent watching the rains or the birds, or even sleeping is well-spent. It all depends upon whether you know what you are doing, and whether there is a well-defined productive reason for what you are doing. Reading books may not be always be productive, and sleeping may not be always unproductive. They may well be vice versa. It all depends upon the 'why' behind the action. Know your whys in life and you are good to go !

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