Wednesday, April 13, 2011


अग्निः शेषं  ऋणः शेषं  शत्रुः शेषं तथैव च |
पुनः पुनः प्रवर्धेत तस्मात् शेषं न कारयेत् ||

Agni-hi sheSham RuNa-ha sheSham shatru-hu sheSham tathaiva cha
Puna-ha puna-ha pravardheta tasmaat sheSham na kaarayet

Meaning: Fire (agni), debt (ruNa) and enemy (shatru) —if they remain even in small traces, they will grow again (pravardhet), so finish them off completely.

All three of these have the potential to completely destroy us, if we allow them to exist. And they have the ability to grow back to enormous proportions if not contained at the bud. Whenever we douse a fire, there are always embers still burning beneath. We have to make sure, the fire's completely out.

As far as debt is concerned, I guess this saying seems pretty impractical in today's world. Credit is the order of the day & we just can not survive without debt, unless we are living off in a faraway island with no connection to the modern world. But the saying still holds true. Credit and debt is one of the biggest causes of economic crises, not just of individuals & corporations, but of powerful nations as well.

This holds true for enemies too. No trace of the enemy should be left, if we want to remove the threat from an enemy. O
n the face, it may seem to be in the violent sense of destroying an enemy, but there's a deeper meaning therein. It means that we have to destroy the enemy-ness or should I say, enmity from the enemy, not destroy the person. The person himself is not the real enemy. It is the enmity within that is the real enemy, irrespective of the reason for the enmity. When the enmity or the hate is destroyed, the person no longer remains an enemy—the enemy is thus destroyed.
Love so much so as to suffocate the hate to death. That is the only permanent solution!


  1. Makes very interesting and meaningful reading. Thank you for the initiative and effort.
